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Other options

Business Name (Nigerian) / N19,500
  • Receive a certificate of business name registration​
  • You get a basic bank account with free Paystack/Flutterwave setup​
  • You get started with your professional brand in 1 week​
  • Expert support with email, WhatsApp and phone from Counseal Experts​
Limited Liability Registration (Nigerian) / N55,500
  • Receive a certificate of incorporation​
  • Raise capital by allowing private investors acquire shares in your business​
  • You have a separate legal entity separate from your personal affairs​
  • A premium bank account with free Paystack/Flutterwave setup​
  • Expert support with email, WhatsApp and phone from Counseal Experts​
Limited Liability Registration (Outside Nigeria) / N135,500
  • Digital delivery certificate of incorporation​
  • Dedicated Counseal advisor (UK and US-based hours)​
  • Mobile vault platform to manage your Nigeria business operations​
  • Raise capital by allowing private investors acquire shares in your business​
  • You have a separate legal entity separate from your personal affairs​
  • Seek grants and additional funding for your business​
  • A premium bank account with free Paystack/Flutterwave setup​
  • Expert support with email, WhatsApp and phone from Counseal Experts​
  • Free 2-month trial of Counseal Startup Launch Kit​
NGO Registration (Nigerian) / N120,000
  • Digital delivery certificate of incorporation​
  • Complete drafts of your Memorandum of Association​
  • You have a separate legal entity separate from your personal affairs​
  • Seek grants and additional funding for your cause​
  • A premium bank account with free Paystack/Flutterwave setup for donations and grants​
  • Expert support with email, WhatsApp and phone from Counseal Experts​
NGO Registration (Outside Nigeria) / N220,000
  • Digital delivery certificate of incorporation​
  • Dedicated Counseal advisor (UK and US-based hours)​
  • Complete drafts of your Memorandum of Association​
  • Mobile vault platform to manage your Nigeria business operations​
  • Seek grants and additional funding for your business​
  • You have a separate legal entity separate from your personal affairs​
  • A premium bank account with free Paystack/Flutterwave setup​
  • Expert support with email, WhatsApp and phone from Counseal Experts​
  • Free 2-month trial of Counseal Startup Launch Kit​