Event Planner Contract Template [Nigeria]

Updated June 26, 2023

This agreement is intended for use by event planners to create structured contracts with their clients for event planning services. Without such a contract, there is a risk of miscommunication and misunderstanding between the parties, as well as a lack of professional courtesy which can impede the success of the event.

By using this agreement, event planners can ensure that the rights and obligations of both parties are clearly established, leading to better service for the client and greater success for the event.

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Doc - Interior Design Contract

How to use this

This agreement can be used to enter into contracts for planning events such as birthday parties, weddings, funerals, company occasions or events, etc. Before this contract is entered into, it is best for the parties to negotiate the contractual obligations expected from each other. These obligations are to be stated clearly in the contract, without the use of any ambiguous words. This template gives the parties room to insert the obligations as they deem fit.

Other names for

  • Event Planning Contract/Agreement.
  • Event Planner Agreement

Applicable Laws in Nigeria

  • Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020
  • Contract Law of a State, e.g. Law Reforms (Contract law), Lagos State, 2015
  • Sectoral Laws; e.g. where the supply relates to food or drugs products, NAFDAC Act, Standards Organisation of Nigeria, Act, Food and Drugs Act, etc., would apply.
  • Value Added Tax Act.

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