Freelancer or Independent Contractor Agreement Template [Nigeria]

Updated January 31, 2024

This isn’t just another piece of paper. It’s your foundation for a no-nonsense professional relationship. Define your work boundaries, nail down compensation, and take charge of every project detail upfront. Minimize misunderstandings and keep your collaborations crystal clear.

Seal the deal with this essential agreement now.

Generate your Freelancer or Independent Contractor Agreement

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How to use this Freelancer or Independent Contractor Agreement

When hiring a freelancer or bringing on board an independent contractor for specific tasks, it’s crucial to set clear guidelines. This agreement is more than just formalities—it’s a blueprint of your working relationship. Here’s what you’ll typically see inside:

  • Scope of Work: Precisely what the contractor will do for you.
  • Payment Terms: How much, when, and the method of compensation.
  • Deadlines: Key dates and milestones for project completion.
  • Ownership Rights: Who ultimately owns the work produced.
  • Privacy Terms: How confidential information is handled.
  • Role Definition: Confirmation that the contractor is not an employee.
  • Ending the Partnership: How either party can terminate the agreement.
  • Legal Jurisdiction: Which laws apply to the contract.
  • Problem-Solving Protocol: How disputes are resolved.

Each point is there to avoid confusion, ensuring everyone knows exactly what is expected from the get-go.

Other names for Freelancer or Independent Contractor Agreement

  • Sub-contractor Agreement
  • General Contractor Agreement
  • Free-lance contract

Another related agreement/contract

  • Consultant Agreement

Applicable Laws in Nigeria

The applicable laws for a Freelancer/ Independent Contractor Agreement are:

  • Contract laws of various States (e.g Contract Law of Lagos State, 2015)
  • Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020.
  • Arbitration and Mediation Act, 2023.
  • Copyrights Act, 2022.
  • Patents and Designs Act, 2004.


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