Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement Template [Nigeria]

Updated June 15, 2024

Generate your Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement

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How to use this Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement

A Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement protects sensitive information shared between parties during business negotiations or relationships. The disclosing party shares confidential information with the receiving party, who is obligated not to disclose it without consent. When creating this agreement, include details of both parties, types of confidential information, effective date and period, use of information after termination, definition of confidential information, limitations, manner and extent of use, consequences of breaching, and dispute resolution.

Other names for Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement

  • Unilateral Confidentiality Agreement
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement

Applicable Laws in Nigeria

  • Company and Allied Matters Act, 2020
  • Data Protection Regulations (Sectoral Dependent; E.g, Banking or Insurance)
  • Nigeria Data Protection Regulation, 2019
  • Investment and Securities Act, 2007

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