Deed of Assignment (Corporate to Corporate) Template [Nigeria]

Updated January 7, 2024

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. 

This document is an instrument of transfer often used in real estate transactions to transfer a legal title. After a contract of sale of land is executed between a vendor and a buyer, a deed of assignment is often issued to the buyer evidencing that the vendor’s legal title in land has been transferred to the buyer. It often states the terms such transfer was executed and creates a legal title in land for the assignee (maybe referred to as a buyer or purchaser). The parties to a deed can be either two individual persons or two corporate entities or a corporate entity and an individual. However, the copy of this document created is specifically adapted where the parties to the deed are both corporate entities.

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How to use this Deed of Assignment (Corporate to Corporate)

After a contract of sale in land is executed, a business owner operating his business via a corporate entity can transfer any legal title owned in land to an intended buyer (corporate entity) using this document. This document can be used to also transfer a legal title in land to a business owner’s corporate entity. It can also serve as an evidence of title of land and can be registered at the Land Registry of a State. 

Other names for Deed of Assignment (Corporate to Corporate)

  • Deed of Transfer of Title 

Another related agreement/contract

  • Contract for Sale of Land.

Applicable Laws in Nigeria

The relevant laws  applicable when creating a Deed of Assignment are as follows: 

  • Land Use Act
  • Property and Conveyancing Law of 1959 applicable in old Western states of Nigeria. 
  • Conveyancing Act, 1881 applicable in old Eastern states of Nigeria 
  • Registration of Title Law of a State. E.g Land Registration Law, Lagos State, 2014. 
  • Company and Allied Matters Act, 2020. 

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