Interior Design Contract Template [Nigeria]

Updated June 25, 2023

This Interior Design Contract is a legally-binding agreement between an Interior Designer and the Client, outlining the details of the services to be rendered, the duration of the contract, the deliverables and specifications of the design and location, as well as the obligations and compensations of both parties.

In the event of a breach of contract, the parties shall have the right to pursue legal actions in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

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Doc - Agreement Letter for Borrowing Money

How to use this

For this type of  Contract to be effective, it has to contain the following:

  • The precise purpose of the Contract
  • Details of the services to be rendered by the Interior Designer
  • The duration of services
  • Consideration for services
  • Date of completion of the Contract
  • Responsibility of the parties.
  • Remedy for breach
  • Indemnity clause of the parties.
  • Governing law of the agreement.  This is usually the governing law of the country where the land is located.

Other names for

  • Interior Design Agreement

Applicable Laws in Nigeria

  • Commercial Law in Nigeria
  • Companies and Allied Matters Act
  • Negotiable Instrument Law in Nigeria.

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